
  1. Arrays intro
  2. Array elements - indexing
  3. Array iterate over (each, each_with_index)
  4. Array push, append, <<
  5. Empty array
  6. Count digits
  7. Operations on arrays
  8. Add arrays
  9. Repeat arrays
  10. Select (filter, grep)
  11. Reject (negative filter, grep)
  12. Transform with map
  13. Sample from array
  14. Shuffle array
  15. join
  16. Remove nil elements
  17. Create Array with nil
  18. Does array include a value
  19. Delete element from array by value
  20. Delete element from array by location
  21. Insert element into array at location
  22. Arrays shift - remove first element
  23. Arrays uniq elements
  24. First element of the array
  25. Permutations