Checking the slides
require "option_parser" # Extract the list of imported files # Verify that all the files are indeed imported # Optionally verify that the same file is not imported more than once. class Options class_property verbose = false end def main get_options() md_files = get_md_files(Dir.current) if Options.verbose puts "MD files:\n" md_files.each { |path| puts path } end imported_files, errors = get_imported_files(md_files) # imported_files.each {|file| # puts file # } files = get_files(Dir.current) # files.each {|name| # puts name # } imported_files.each { |name| if files.includes?(name) files.delete name else puts "ERROR #{name} is imported but does not exist" errors = true end } files.each { |name| puts "ERROR #{name} is not imported" errors = true } if errors exit(1) end end def get_options OptionParser.parse do |parser| parser.banner = "Usage: [arguments]" parser.on("-v", "--verbose", "Verbose mode") { Options.verbose = true } parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do puts parser exit end parser.invalid_option do |flag| STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{flag} is not a valid option." STDERR.puts parser exit(1) end parser.missing_option do |flag| STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{flag} requires a value" STDERR.puts parser exit(1) end end end def get_imported_files(md_files) imported_files = Set(String).new errors = false md_files.each { |path| lines = File.read_lines(path) lines.each { |line| match = /^!\[\]\((.*)\)\s*$/.match(line) if match if !imported_files.add?(match.[1]) puts "WARN #{match.[1]} was imported twice" errors = true end end } } return imported_files, errors end def get_files(root) skip = Set{"Dockerfile", "shard.lock", "crystal.json", "examples/kemal/shard.lock"} size = root.size files = [] of String all_files = Dir.glob("#{root}/**/*") all_files.each { |path| if !File.file?(path) next end short_name = path[size + 1..] if short_name.starts_with?("bin/") || short_name.starts_with?("lib/") next end if short_name.ends_with?(".md") next end if skip.any?(short_name) next end files.push(short_name) } files.push(".ameba.yml") return files end def get_md_files(root) all_md_files = Dir.glob("#{root}/*.md") md_files = [] of String all_md_files.each { |path| # TODO use some filter? if path.ends_with?("") next end md_files.push(path) } return md_files end # path = ARGV[0] # dr = Dir.glob("#{path}/**/*") # dr.each {|name| puts name} main()