- ?
Question mark: ?
- meaning "or nil" in type definitions String? is the same as String | Nil
- Methods ending with ? usually return a boolean (true, false) - there is no enforcement of this in Crystal
- If a construct might raise an exception adding a question mark can convert that into returning nil
- It is also part of the conditional operator ?:
[0, 23, nil].each { |value| puts value.nil? z = value || 42 puts z } names = ["Foo", "Bar"] puts names[1] # puts names[2] # Unhandled exception: Index out of bounds (IndexError) z = names[2]? # nil puts z.nil? # true person = { "name" => "Foo", "email" => "foo@bar.com", } puts person puts person["name"] # puts person["age"] # Unhandled exception: Missing hash key: "age" (KeyError) z = person["age"]? puts z.nil? # true