SQLite exception handling (during INSERT)
- The internal exception handling should be enough, but apparently it is not
- See this report
require "sqlite3" db_file = "data.db" if File.exists?(db_file) puts "File #{db_file} already exists. Aborting" exit(1) end begin DB.open "sqlite3://#{db_file}" do |db| db.exec "CREATE TABLE contacts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, email TEXT, UNIQUE (name) )" res = db.exec "INSERT INTO contacts (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)", "John Doe", "john@example.com" puts typeof(res) # DB::ExecResult puts res.rows_affected # 1 begin res = db.exec "INSERT INTO contacts (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)", "John Doe", "john@example.com" puts res.rows_affected rescue err puts "Exception #{err}" # SQLite3::Exception UNIQUE constraint failed: contacts.name end puts "contacts:" db.query "SELECT id, name, email FROM contacts" do |rs| puts "#{rs.column_name(0)} (#{rs.column_name(1)}) (#{rs.column_name(2)})" rs.each do puts "#{rs.read(Int64)} #{rs.read(String)} (#{rs.read(String)})" end end end rescue err puts "Exception #{err}" # The external begin/rescue is needed because of this bug: # https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal-sqlite3/issues/52 end