❮ SQLite
- SQLite
Try SQLite
- You need to install the development package for libsqlite3
- On Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
require "sqlite3" # Based on the example in the documentation db_file = "data.db" if File.exists?(db_file) puts "File #{db_file} already exists. Aborting" exit(1) end DB.open "sqlite3://#{db_file}" do |db| db.exec "CREATE TABLE contacts (name TEXT, age INTEGER)" db.exec "INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (?, ?)", "John Doe", 30 args = [] of DB::Any args << "Sarah" args << 33 db.exec "INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (?, ?)", args: args puts "max age:" puts db.scalar "SELECT max(age) FROM contacts" # => 33 puts "contacts:" db.query "SELECT name, age FROM contacts ORDER BY age DESC" do |rs| puts "#{rs.column_name(0)} (#{rs.column_name(1)})" # => name (age) rs.each do puts "#{rs.read(String)} (#{rs.read(Int32)})" # => Sarah (33) # => John Doe (30) end end end