Testing 1
def add(x, y) return x * y end
require "./mymath.cr" puts add(2, 2)
require "spec" require "./mymath.cr" describe "add" do it "correctly adds two numbers" do add(2, 2).should eq 4 end end describe "add" do it "correctly adds two numbers" do add(2, 3).should eq 5 end end # describe Array do # describe "#size" do # it "correctly reports the number of elements in the Array" do # [1, 2, 3].size.should eq 3 # end # end # describe "#empty?" do # it "is true when no elements are in the array" do # ([] of Int32).empty?.should be_true # end # it "is false if there are elements in the array" do # [1].empty?.should be_false # end # end # end
crystal spec .