❮ Index
TOC: Docker
- Docker
- Why use Docker?
- What is Docker?
- Docker container vs. image
- Install Docker
- Docker on Windows
- Docker on Linux and macOS
- Docker --version
- Docker version
- Docker info
- Docker help on CLI
- Docker: desktop - host - daemon - client
- Docker Daemon
- Docker Registry
- Docker: Hello World
- After Hello World
- Hello World again
- Remove Docker container
- Remove Docker image
- Docker busybox
- Run Interactive
- Docker List containers
- Remove containers
- Remove all the containers with docker prune
- Remove all Docker containers (old way)
- Run and remove container
- Run container mount external disk
- List and remove images
- Docker remove all the images - prune images
- Exercise 1
- Create Docker Image Manually
- Create your own Docker image
- Docker Hub search for images
- Download image
- Use Ubuntu to run a single command
- Use Ubuntu interactively
- Rerun (restart) stopped instance
- Create file in container
- Create image from container
- Docker create image manually
- Check the history!
- Docker create image manually - placeholders
- Dockerfile
- Docker: Empty Ubuntu
- Docker: Ubuntu Hello World
- Docker: Ubuntu htop
- Docker COPY welcome file
- Docker curl
- Docker image as Curl command
- Docker and environment variables with ENV
- Docker: Mounting external host directory as a volume (Linux, macOS hosts)
- Docker: Mounting external host directory as a volume (Windows hosts)
- Docker build passing command-line argumens
- Exercies 2
- Copy file from stopped container
- Docker with cron
- Commands
- Dockerfile commands
- Docker FROM
- Docker COPY
- Docker ARG
- Docker ADD
- Docker RUN
- Docker CMD
- Docker ENV
- Docker WORKDIR
- Docker upload and publish
- Docker upload and publish
- Dockerfile
- Simple docker commands
- Passing command to the Docker Container
- Run container as a daemon - attach detach
- Run container as a daemon
- Inspect low-level information about Docker
- Copy console output of container (logs)
- Ignore files and directories
- Docker Compose
- Install Docker compose
- Docker compose
- Docker compose 1st example
- docker compose - keep running two ways
- Docker Compose
- Docker Compose Redis server and client
- Docker Compose Solr server and curl as client
- Docker Compose MongoDB server
- Docker Compose PostgreSQL server
- Docker Compose for Perl DBD::Pg (PostgreSQL)
- Docker Compose MySQL server
- Python with Docker
- Python CLI in Docker - curl.py
- Python CLI in Docker - Dockerfile
- Docker: Python Development mode with mounted directory
- Flask application
- Flask development
- Docker: Flask + uwsgi
- Flask with Redis
- Docker compose Flask and Redis
- Python Flask and MongoDB
- Docker Compose Python Flask and MongoDB
- Python, Flask and Pulsar
- Python and Pulsar
- Docker: Flask + uwsgi + nginx
- Perl with Docker
- Docker networking
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
- Deploy
- Appendix
- Kubernetes
- Install Minikube locally
- Install kubectl
- Commands
- Start Minikube
- Stop Minikube
- Minikube status
- minkube dashboard
- Kubectl list pods
- Simple Kubernetes YAML file
- Kubernetes: Install (apply) YAML configuration file
- Other Kubernetes
- Add autocomplete
- Single container Python app in Kubernetes
- Kubernetes resources
- Kubernetes on Digital Ocean
- Digital Ocean Docker registry
- Kubernetes hierarchy
- Open Source
- Python Flask
- Python requests
- R data.table
- R yaml
- PHP Twig
- Plagiarism-checker-Python
- Cosmo-Tech
- mobility
- cybrid-api-id-python
- pymx2
- TOML Kit
- Dialogy
- Teiphy
- Python Automation Framework
- Python Bitcoinlib
- Overloaded Iterables
- xapi-python
- nats-python
- capella
- Renormalizer
- Python [dialogy](https://github.com/skit-ai/dialogy)
- Python [toml_tools](https://github.com/JamesParrott/toml_tools)
- Python [penn](https://github.com/interactiveaudiolab/penn)
- Python [nbt-structure-utils](https://github.com/BenBenBenB/nbt-structure-utils)
- Python [sanic-restful](https://github.com/linzhiming0826/sanic-restful)
- Decomissioned Docker slides