
  1. Hello Foo - Println
  2. Hello Bar - Printf
  3. Hello Bar - Printf %v
  4. Enforce variables types
  5. Basic Types
  6. Show inferred variable type - Printf %T
  7. Show type of variable - reflect.TypeOf
  8. get variable type - %T or reflect.TypeOf
  9. Variable declaration (var)
  10. Default values of variables
  11. Scan input strings from STDIN
  12. if else statement
  13. Converting string to integer - strconv, Atoi
  14. Error Handling
  15. Converting string to integer with error handling - strconv, Itoa
  16. Converting string to float - strconv, ParseFloat
  17. Converting integer to string - strconv, Itoa
  18. Scan STDIN convert to number
  20. Exercise: circle STDIN
  21. Exercise: rectangular STDIN
  22. Exercise: calculator STDIN
  23. Solution: circle STDIN
  24. Solution: circle STDIN with math
  25. Solution: rectangular STDIN
  26. Solution: calculator STDIN
  27. Solution: calculator STDIN switch