Exercise: count words from file
Given a text file like this one:
Lorem ipsum dolor qui ad labor ad labor sint dolor tempor incididunt ut labor ad dolore lorem ad Ut labor ad dolor lorem qui ad ut labor ut ad commodo commodo Lorem ad dolor in reprehenderit in lorem ut labor ad dolore eu in labor dolor sint occaecat ad labor proident sint in in qui labor ad dolor ad in ad labor
- Print out a report how many times each word appears.
- Disregard case of the letters.
- Show them in order of frequency.
words_and_spaces.txt ad 13 labor 10 dolor 6 in 6 ut 5 lorem 5 qui 3 sint 3 dolore 2 commodo 2 eu 1 incididunt 1 tempor 1 reprehenderit 1 proident 1 ipsum 1 occaecat 1