- Slice of an array
- Slice
- Change value in slice
- Slice Assign
- Slice of a slice
- Append to a slice
- Slice append
- Remove last element of slice (pop)
- Remove first element of slice (shift, pop(0))
- Pre-allocate capacity for slice with make
- For loop in slice - iterate over slice
- for loop on values of slice (no index)
- Merge two slices
- Find element in array or slice
- Remove element of slice
- Weird merge slices
- Sort slice
- Are values sorted?
- Sort strings by length
- Sort strings by length and then abc order
- Search in slice
- Variadic function (arbitrary number of parameters)
- Defer and slice
- Exercise: count words
- Exercise: Create a list of words from sentences
- Exercise: Create a unique list of values
- Exercise: Reverse Polish Calculator
- Exercise: DNA Sequencing
- Solution: count words
- Solution: Create a list of words from sentences
- Solution: Create a unique list of values
- Solution: Reverse Polish Calculator
- Solution: DNA Sequencing
- Solution: DNA Sequencing with in place filter