Static or Class attribute
public class Bike { private static int count = 0; public static int getCount() { return Bike.count; } public Bike() { Bike.count++; } public void finalize() { Bike.count--; System.out.println("Finalize"); } }
public class RunBike { public static void bike_shop() { System.out.println(Bike.getCount()); Bike a = new Bike(); System.out.println(Bike.getCount()); Bike b = new Bike(); System.out.println(Bike.getCount()); Bike c = new Bike(); System.out.println(Bike.getCount()); b = null; //System.gc(); System.out.println(Bike.getCount()); } public static void main(String[] args) { bike_shop(); System.out.println(Bike.getCount()); } } // The finalize methods is supposed to be similar to a destructor, but it might be never called in the life of the program. So we cannot rely on it.