❮ Index
- NodeJS basic
- What is NodeJS ?
- NodeJS Installation
- NodeJS Installation Linux
- NodeJS version
- Hello World
- Comments
- Exercise: Hello World
- Hello World with sh
- Literal Values and types
- Declare variables with let
- Hello World in function
- Parameter passing to function
- for loop
- Array
- Command line arguments (argv)
- Command line arguments - forEach (argv)
- Define function with arrow notation
- setTimeout - delayed execution
- setInterval - scheduled execution
- clearInterval
- clearTimeout
- Template literals (template strings) - variable interpolation
- Scope of variables and constants
- constant (const)
- var
- let
- var let
- let var
- Create library
- Function as a Library
- Loading a library twice
- What is in a module?
- OS module
- The path related tools
- Path to the current file
- Relative path inside a project
- Exception
- Debugging
- Callback
- Closure
- File-system related operations (fs)
- File-system related operations (fs)
- Read file
- Write file
- Append to file
- Delete file (unlink file)
- Read (and write) file by chunks
- Read (and write) file by chunks using pipe
- Create a directory (folder) (mkdir)
- Remove a directory (folder) (rmdir)
- Read directory sync (readdirSync)
- Read directory async (readdir)
- Read directory async error handline
- Rename a file (rename)
- Net
- npm
- Express
- Testing Demo for NodeJS projects
- Appendix