❮ Index
TOC: Introduction to Perl
- Introduction to Perl
- Overview
- First script
- Always use strict and use warnings!
- Avoid global variables
- Keep it simple
- Editors
- IDEs
- Debugging
- First script with main function
- Comments
- IO: Output on screen - print vs. say
- IO: Input from keyboard
- Scalar values
- Scalar values - undef
- Scalar values - strings
- Scalar values - numbers
- Lists
- Hash
- Boolean values
- single-quoted and double-quotes strings
- String Operators
- Numerical Operators
- Boolean Operators
- Perl is an Operator and Context driven language
- String Functions
- Variables
- Sigils
- Variable declaration
- Arrays
- Hashes
- IO (files)
- Control structures (if, else, elsif)
- For Loops (for, foreach)
- C-style for loop
- While Loops
- Loop controls (next, last, redo)
- Infinite while loop
- References
- References to Array
- Functions
- Function parameters
- References to functions
- Anonymous functions (state machine as an example), dispatch tables
- Dispatch table
- Linux environment variables (%ENV)
- List all defined variables
- Regexes
- Packages
- OOP Perl core
- Perl internal variables
- Install CPAN Modules
- Selected Standard Perl Modules
- Selected Perl modules
- Database access
- Config INI files
- Logging
- Perl::Critic - lint for Perl
- Perl Resources