BDD Demo

Feature: Show the features of Test::BDD::Cucumber
   Run "prove -v  -r --source Feature --ext=.feature ."
   Run pherkin .
   (free text)

   Given a Fixture called Blue

Scenario: First scenario
    Longer explanation of the scenario (free text)
  Given a Green object
  When I've added "alpha" to the object
  And I've added "beta" to the object
  Then the output is "blabla"
  Then the error is ""

Scenario: Second scenario
    Longer explanation of the scenario (free text)
  Given a Yellow object
  When I've added "gamma" to the object
  And I've added "delta" to the object
  Then the output is "blabla"
  Then the error is "bad, really bad"


use strict;
use warnings;

use Test2::Bundle::More;
use Test::BDD::Cucumber::StepFile;

Given qr/a Fixture called (\S+)/, sub {
    my $name = $1;
    diag "The fixture is $name";
    ok 1, "OK $name";   # really $1 as in the tutorial?

Given qr/a (\S+) object/, sub {
    my $name = C->matches->[0];
    ok 1, "OK $name";

When qr/I've added "(.+)" to the object/, sub {
    push @{ S->{'object'} }, C->matches->[0];

Before sub {
    diag 'before';

After sub {
    my $c = shift;

    diag 'after'
    # $c->stash->{'scenario'}->{'Calculator'};

Then qr/^the output is "(.+)"/, sub {
    my ($value) = @{ C->matches };
    ok 1, "expected output is $value";

Then qr/^the error is "(.*)"/, sub {
    my ($value) = @{ C->matches };
    ok 1, "expected error is $value";
    #is "expected", "recived", "demo";

# Transform qr/^(__THE_NUMBER_\w+__)$/, sub { map_word_to_number($1) };
# Transform qr/^table:number as word$/, sub {

# S->{'object'}->add( C->data );