Exercise: split CGI

Given a string that looks like this:

my $str = 'fname=Foo&lname=Bar&email=foo@bar.com';

Create a hash where the keys are fname, lname, email or if the string looks like this

my $str = 'title=Stargates&year=2005&chapter=03&bitrate=128';

then create a hash where the keys are title, year, chapter, bitrate Use a single statement (with split) to achieve this.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

my @input = (

foreach my $str (@input) {

sub process {
    my $str = shift;

    my @pairs = split /&/, $str;
    my %data;
    foreach my $p (@pairs) {
        my ($k, $v) = split /=/, $p;
        $data{$k} = $v;
    print Dumper \%data;

$VAR1 = {
          'email' => 'foo@bar.com',
          'lname' => 'Bar',
          'fname' => 'Foo'
$VAR1 = {
          'ip' => '',
          'machine' => 'foobar'