❮ Fork
- fork
Fork with functions details
use strict; use warnings; my $historical = 42; main(); sub main { print "PID before fork $$\n"; my $pid = fork(); die "Could not fork" if not defined $pid; if ($pid) { print "PID of child: $pid\n"; parent_process(); } else { print "PID received in child: $pid\n"; child_process(); } } sub child_process { #sleep 1; my $ppid = getppid(); print "In child process $$ of parent $ppid\n"; print "value in child: $historical\n"; $historical = 23; #my $x = 0; #my $y = 3 / $x; #die "bad thing"; exit 42; } sub parent_process { #sleep 1; print "value in parent $historical\n"; my $ppid = getppid(); print "In parent process $$ of parent $ppid\n"; my $finished = wait(); my $exit_code = $? / 256; print "finished: $finished\n"; print "exit code: $exit_code\n"; print "value in parent $historical\n"; }