Other HTTP verbs: PUT DELETE
package App; use Dancer2; get '/' => sub { return <<'HTML'; Try PUT /myput HTML }; put '/myput' => sub { my $message = body_parameters->get('message'); return "got PUT with $message"; }; del '/mydel' => sub { my $message = query_parameters->get('message'); return "got DELETE with $message"; }; patch '/mypatch' => sub { my $message = body_parameters->get('message'); return "got PATCH with $message"; }; options '/myoptions' => sub { my $message = body_parameters->get('message'); return "got OPTIONS with $message"; }; App->to_app;
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Plack::Test; use Plack::Util; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET PUT DELETE PATCH OPTIONS); my $app = Plack::Util::load_psgi './app.psgi'; my $test = Plack::Test->create($app); subtest main => sub { my $res = $test->request(GET '/'); is $res->status_line, '200 OK', 'Status'; like $res->content, qr{Try PUT /myput}, 'Content'; }; subtest myput => sub { my $res = $test->request(PUT '/myput', { message => 'Foo Bar' }); is $res->status_line, '200 OK', 'Status'; is $res->content, 'got PUT with Foo Bar', 'Content'; }; subtest mydel => sub { my $res = $test->request(DELETE '/mydel?message=Foo Bar'); is $res->status_line, '200 OK', 'Status'; is $res->content, 'got DELETE with Foo Bar', 'Content'; }; subtest mypatch => sub { my $res = $test->request(PATCH '/mypatch', { message => 'Foo Bar' }); is $res->status_line, '200 OK', 'Status'; is $res->content, 'got PATCH with Foo Bar', 'Content'; }; subtest myoptions => sub { my $res = $test->request(OPTIONS '/myoptions', { message => 'Foo Bar' }); is $res->status_line, '200 OK', 'Status'; is $res->content, 'got OPTIONS with Foo Bar', 'Content'; }; done_testing();