Perl Tk DialogBox with custom buttons and widgets
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Tk; use Tk::DialogBox; my $top = MainWindow->new; my $btn = $top->Button( -text => 'Click me', -font => ['fixed', 20], -command => \&do_on_click, ); $btn->pack; MainLoop; sub set_color { my ($dialog, $color) = @_; say $color; $btn->configure(-background => $color); $dialog->Exit(); } sub do_on_click { my $dialog = $top->DialogBox( -title => 'Versions', -popover => $top, -buttons => ['Yes', 'No', 'Cancel', 'Redo'], ); $dialog->add("Label", -background => 'yellow', -text => 'Just some yellow text', -font => ['fixed', 20])->pack(); my $entry = $dialog->add("Entry", -font => ['fixed', 20],)->pack(); my $res = $dialog->Show; if ($res) { say $res; say $entry->get; } }
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Tk; use Tk::DialogBox; my $top = MainWindow->new; my $btn = $top->Button( -text => 'Click me', -font => ['fixed', 20], -command => \&do_on_click, ); $btn->pack; MainLoop; sub set_color { my ($dialog, $color) = @_; say $color; $btn->configure(-background => $color); $dialog->Exit(); } sub do_on_click { my $dialog = $top->DialogBox( -title => 'Versions', -popover => $top, -buttons => ['Cancel'], ); my @colors = qw(red green blue yellow); for my $color (@colors) { $dialog->add("Button", -background => $color, -command => [\&set_color, $dialog, $color])->pack(); } my $res = $dialog->Show; #if ($res) { # say $res; #} }
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Tk; my $top = MainWindow->new; my $btn = $top->Button( -text => 'Click me', -font => ['fixed', 20], -command => \&do_on_click, ); $btn->pack; my $pop; MainLoop; sub do_on_click { print("Clicked\n"); if (not $pop) { say 'Creating'; $pop = $top->Toplevel(); $pop->Frame(-width => 150, -height => 230)->pack; $pop->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => [\&picked, $pop, undef]); #$pop->overrideredirect(1); my @colors = qw(blue red yellow); for my $color (@colors) { my $btn = $pop->Button( -font => ['fixed', 20], -command => [\&picked, $pop, $color], -width => 20, -bg => $color, ); $btn->pack; } } $pop->Popup(-popanchor => 'c', -overanchor => 'c', -popover => $top); } # TODO: modal (so I cannot click on the main window as long as this is here) sub picked { my ($pop, $color) = @_; if ($color) { say $color; $btn->configure(-background => $color); } $pop->withdraw; }