Perl Tk Mouse button and movement bindings
use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Tk; my $top = MainWindow->new; my $label = $top->Label( -text => "Click on the buttons of the mouse\nand look at the terminal.", -font => ['fixed', 40], -background => 'purple', ); $label->pack; $top->bind('<ButtonPress-1>', sub { say 'ButtonPress-1' }); # Mouse left button click $top->bind('<ButtonPress-2>', sub { say 'ButtonPress-2' }); # Mouse middle button click $top->bind('<ButtonPress-3>', sub { say 'ButtonPress-3' }); # Mouse right button click $top->bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', sub { say 'ButtonRelease-1' }); # Mouse left button release $top->bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', sub { say 'ButtonRelease-2' }); # Mouse middle button release $top->bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', sub { say 'ButtonRelease-3' }); # Mouse right button release $top->bind('<B1-Motion>',sub { say 'Motion-1' } ); # Moving mouse while left button is pressed $top->bind('<B2-Motion>',sub { say 'Motion-2' } ); # - middle button - $top->bind('<B3-Motion>',sub { say 'Motion-3' } ); # - right button - MainLoop;