Calculate using the mouse

# Now we could calcualte the location of the various buttons based
# on the size of the window and our feeling about the size but
# we remember that most of the children of the main Calculator window
# had a name, so it will be quite easy to find them.
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GuiTest qw(:ALL);

system "start calc.exe";
my $calculator_title = `$^X --app calculator`;
my @windows = FindWindowLike(undef, $calculator_title);
print join ":", @windows, "\n";

if (not @windows) {
   die "Could not find Calculator\n";
if (@windows > 1) {
   die "There might be more than one Calculators running\n";

my ($left, $top, $right, $bottom) = GetWindowRect($windows[0]);
print join ":", GetWindowRect($windows[0]), "\n";

# find the appropriate child window and click on  it
my @children = GetChildWindows($windows[0]);
foreach my $title (qw(7 * 5 =)) {
    my ($c) = grep {$title eq GetWindowText($_)} @children;
    my ($left, $top, $right, $bottom) = GetWindowRect($c);
printf "Result: %s\n", WMGetText($children[0]);
MouseMoveAbsPix($right-10,$top+10);  # this probably depends on the resolution
Now we could calculate the location of the various buttons based
on the size of the window and our feeling about the size but
we remember that most of the children of the main Calculator window
had a name, so it will be quite easy to find them.