
  1. Decorators: simple example
  2. Decorators - Flask
  3. Decorators - Pytest
  4. Decorators caching - no cache
  5. Decorators caching - with cache
  6. LRU - Least recently used cache
  7. LRU - Least recently used cache
  8. OOP - classmethod - staticmethod
  9. Use cases for decorators in Python
  10. Function assignment
  11. Function assignment - alias print to say
  12. Function assignment - don't do this
  13. Passing functions as parameters
  14. Traversing directory tree
  15. Declaring Functions inside other function
  16. Returning a new function from a function
  17. Returning a closure
  18. Decorator
  19. Decorator Demo
  20. Decorator to register function
  21. A recursive Fibonacci
  22. trace fibo
  23. tron decorator
  24. Decorate with direct call
  25. Decorate with parameter
  26. Decorator accepting parameter
  27. Decorate function with any signature
  28. Decorate function with any signature - implementation
  29. Decorate function with any signature - skeleton
  30. Decorate function with any signature - skeleton with name
  31. Functool - partial
  32. Exercise: Logger decorator
  33. Exercise: decorators decorator
  34. Solution: Logger decorator
  35. Solution: Logger decorator (testing)
  36. Solution decorators decorator
  37. A list of functions