- Decorators: simple example
- Decorators - Flask
- Decorators - Pytest
- Decorators caching - no cache
- Decorators caching - with cache
- LRU - Least recently used cache
- LRU - Least recently used cache
- OOP - classmethod - staticmethod
- Use cases for decorators in Python
- Function assignment
- Function assignment - alias print to say
- Function assignment - don't do this
- Passing functions as parameters
- Traversing directory tree
- Declaring Functions inside other function
- Returning a new function from a function
- Returning a closure
- Decorator
- Decorator Demo
- Decorator to register function
- A recursive Fibonacci
- trace fibo
- tron decorator
- Decorate with direct call
- Decorate with parameter
- Decorator accepting parameter
- Decorate function with any signature
- Decorate function with any signature - implementation
- Decorate function with any signature - skeleton
- Decorate function with any signature - skeleton with name
- Functool - partial
- Exercise: Logger decorator
- Exercise: decorators decorator
- Solution: Logger decorator
- Solution: Logger decorator (testing)
- Solution decorators decorator
- A list of functions