Functional programming in Python
- Programming Paradigms
- Functional programming
- Iterators (Iterables)
- range
- range with list
- range vs. list size
- for loop with transformation
- map
- map with list
- size of map
- map delaying function call
- map on many values
- double with lambda
- What is lambda in Python?
- lambda returning tuple
- map returning tuples
- lambda with two parameters
- map for more than one iterable
- map on uneven lists
- replace None (for Python 2)
- map on uneven lists - fixed (for Python 2)
- map mixed iterators
- map fetch value from dictionary
- Exercise: string to length
- Exercise: row to length
- Exercise: compare rows
- Solution: string to length
- Solution: row to length
- Solution: compare rows
- filter in a loop
- filter
- filter with lambda
- filter - map example
- filter - map in one expression
- filter a dictionary using dict comprehension
- Get indices of values
- reduce
- reduce empty list
- reduce with default
- reduce list of dictionaries
- zip
- Combining two lists using zip
- Creating dictionary from two lists using zip
- all, any
- Compare elements of list with scalar
- List comprehension - double
- List comprehension - simple expression
- List generator
- List comprehension
- Dict comprehension
- Lookup table with lambda
- Read lines without newlines
- Read key-value pairs
- Create index-to-value mapping in a dictionary based on a list of values
- Exercise: min, max, factorial
- Exercise: Prime numbers
- Exercise: Many validator functions
- Exercise: Calculator using lookup table
- Exercise: parse file
- Solution: min, max, factorial
- Solution: Prime numbers
- Solution: Many validator functions
- Solution: Calculator using lookup table
- map with condtion
- map with lambda
- map with lambda with condition
- List comprehension - complex
- Change list before iteration over map object
- Replace list before iteration over map object