Functional programming in Python

  1. Programming Paradigms
  2. Functional programming
  3. Iterators (Iterables)
  4. range
  5. range with list
  6. range vs. list size
  7. for loop with transformation
  8. map
  9. map with list
  10. size of map
  11. map delaying function call
  12. map on many values
  13. double with lambda
  14. What is lambda in Python?
  15. lambda returning tuple
  16. map returning tuples
  17. lambda with two parameters
  18. map for more than one iterable
  19. map on uneven lists
  20. replace None (for Python 2)
  21. map on uneven lists - fixed (for Python 2)
  22. map mixed iterators
  23. map fetch value from dictionary
  24. Exercise: string to length
  25. Exercise: row to length
  26. Exercise: compare rows
  27. Solution: string to length
  28. Solution: row to length
  29. Solution: compare rows
  30. filter in a loop
  31. filter
  32. filter with lambda
  33. filter - map example
  34. filter - map in one expression
  35. filter a dictionary using dict comprehension
  36. Get indices of values
  37. reduce
  38. reduce empty list
  39. reduce with default
  40. reduce list of dictionaries
  41. zip
  42. Combining two lists using zip
  43. Creating dictionary from two lists using zip
  44. all, any
  45. Compare elements of list with scalar
  46. List comprehension - double
  47. List comprehension - simple expression
  48. List generator
  49. List comprehension
  50. Dict comprehension
  51. Lookup table with lambda
  52. Read lines without newlines
  53. Read key-value pairs
  54. Create index-to-value mapping in a dictionary based on a list of values
  55. Exercise: min, max, factorial
  56. Exercise: Prime numbers
  57. Exercise: Many validator functions
  58. Exercise: Calculator using lookup table
  59. Exercise: parse file
  60. Solution: min, max, factorial
  61. Solution: Prime numbers
  62. Solution: Many validator functions
  63. Solution: Calculator using lookup table
  64. map with condtion
  65. map with lambda
  66. map with lambda with condition
  67. List comprehension - complex
  68. Change list before iteration over map object
  69. Replace list before iteration over map object