Regular Expressions - part 3

  1. Two regex with logical or
  2. Alternatives
  3. Grouping and Alternatives
  4. Internal variables
  5. More internal variables
  6. Regex DNA
  8. DOTALL S (single line)
  10. Combine Regex flags
  11. Regex VERBOSE X
  12. Substitution
  13. Substitution and MULTILINE - remove leading spaces
  14. findall capture
  15. Fixing dates
  16. Fixing dates - 1
  17. Fixing dates - 2
  18. Fixing dates - 3
  19. Fixing dates - 4
  20. Anchor edge of word
  21. Double numbers
  22. Remove spaces
  23. Replace string in Assembly code
  24. Replace string in Assembly code - using mapping dict
  25. Replace string in Assembly code - using alternatives
  26. Replace string in Assembly code - generate regex
  27. Full example of previous
  28. Split with regex
  29. Exercises: Regexes part 1
  30. Exercise: Regexes part 2
  31. Exercise: Sort SNMP numbers
  32. Exercise: parse hours log file and create report
  33. Exercise: Parse ini file
  34. Exercise: Replace Python
  35. Exercise: Extract phone numbers
  36. Solution: Sort SNMP numbers
  37. Solution: parse hours log file and give report
  38. Solution: Processing INI file manually
  39. Solution: Processing config file
  40. Solution: Extract phone numbers
  41. Regular Expressions Cheat sheet
  42. Fix bad JSON
  43. Fix very bad JSON
  44. Raw string or escape
  45. Remove spaces regex
  46. Regex Unicode
  47. Anchors Other example