Regular Expressions - part 3
- Two regex with logical or
- Alternatives
- Grouping and Alternatives
- Internal variables
- More internal variables
- Regex DNA
- DOTALL S (single line)
- Combine Regex flags
- Substitution
- Substitution and MULTILINE - remove leading spaces
- findall capture
- Fixing dates
- Fixing dates - 1
- Fixing dates - 2
- Fixing dates - 3
- Fixing dates - 4
- Anchor edge of word
- Double numbers
- Remove spaces
- Replace string in Assembly code
- Replace string in Assembly code - using mapping dict
- Replace string in Assembly code - using alternatives
- Replace string in Assembly code - generate regex
- Full example of previous
- Split with regex
- Exercises: Regexes part 1
- Exercise: Regexes part 2
- Exercise: Sort SNMP numbers
- Exercise: parse hours log file and create report
- Exercise: Parse ini file
- Exercise: Replace Python
- Exercise: Extract phone numbers
- Solution: Sort SNMP numbers
- Solution: parse hours log file and give report
- Solution: Processing INI file manually
- Solution: Processing config file
- Solution: Extract phone numbers
- Regular Expressions Cheat sheet
- Fix bad JSON
- Fix very bad JSON
- Raw string or escape
- Remove spaces regex
- Regex Unicode
- Anchors Other example