
  1. R vectors
  2. Variable types of vectors are deducted
  3. One element vector is the same a single value
  4. Sum of values in vectors
  5. Size of vector (length of vector)
  6. Access the n-the element of a vector
  7. R Vector: Negative index, exclude element
  8. R vector: Access several elements (slice)
  9. R vector: Exclude several elements
  10. Some basic statistical functions
  11. 3 ways to create vectors
  12. R - sequences and ranges
  13. Range of numbers
  14. Filter values
  15. Index of true elements - which
  16. which
  17. Matix TBD
  18. Vector operations - reuse values from shorter vector
  19. Summary of numeric data
  20. Change element of vector
  21. Assign vector to another name
  22. Reverse vector
  23. Sort vector
  24. Sort using order
  25. Operators comparing vectors
  26. Convert vector of strings to numerics
  27. Repeate the same number
  28. Boolean (logical) operations on vectors
  29. Factors
  30. Append to end of vector