Connect to the device
Setting both
Dump_log => 'dump.log', Input_log => 'input.log',
in the constructor of Net::Telnet will allow us to see what is really going on on the connection.
We also add a call to wait for something that likely won't show up in the output. Depending on where the demo application (the daemon) is running you might need to change the $hostname variable.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Net::Telnet; my $port = 8000; my $hostname = 'localhost'; my $telnet = Net::Telnet->new( Port => $port, Host => $hostname, ); print "opened\n"; { my ($prematch, $match) = $telnet->waitfor('/not likely to show up/'); } print "after wait\n";
Running the script we notice that after printing "opened" it waits quite a lot of time and it never prints "after wait". This happened because waitfor was waiting for a string that never showed up. Hence it gave up waiting after the built-in timeout period. Once it reached the timeout it called the default errmode() function which is the "die" function. So the script never reached the second print() and did not have a chance to print anything.