Echo Server
The Echo Server lets you telnet to it and echos back every word you type just like the Simple Echo Server but once connected you have 5 seconds between every two line you type or it prints Timeout and closes the connection. Prints a message both to the client and the console (STDERR) of the server.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; use EchoServer; EchoServer->run(port => 8000);
package EchoServer; use warnings; use strict; use base 'Net::Server'; use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ; my $timeout = 5; # give the user 5 seconds to type a line my $EOL = "\015\012"; sub process_request { my $self = shift; print "Welcome to the echo server$EOL"; print "Type 'bye' to disconnect.$EOL"; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timeout\n" }; alarm($timeout); while( my $line = <STDIN> ) { alarm($timeout); $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; print qq(You said "$line"$EOL); last if $line eq "bye"; } }; alarm(0); if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { if ( $EVAL_ERROR eq "Timeout\n" ) { print "Timed Out. Disconnecting...$EOL"; print STDERR "Client timed Out.\n"; } else { print "Unknown internal error. Disconnecting...$EOL"; print STDERR "Unknown internal error: $EVAL_ERROR\n"; } } else { print STDERR "User said bye\n"; } return; } 1;