
Smolder is a web based application to collect and display TAP streams. It is already available on CPAN. Once installed it can be launched with the smolder command. By default it provides its own web server and uses SQLite so you don't have to worry about further configuration. Once you see it and decide that you'd like to use it in production with many test systems reporting to it then you'll probably invest more in the installation, use Apache as the front-end server and MySQL as the database but at the beginning you can use the simple installation.

Once the system is setup you have a web based administrative interface to add projects, users and associate them with each other. Every user can then upload archived tap results as generated by the -a flag of prove. The system then provides various views of the tests results. You can view the details of a single test run and you can already see some historical data as well. As of version 1.35 you have to do the following to start the server:

create ~/.smolder and in it create ~/.smolder/smolder.conf with one line:

HostName smolder.local

In addition you have to change the /etc/hosts file so smolder.local will resolve to (You can of course use any name with at least one . in it.)

Then you can launch Smolder using the following command:

smolder -c ~/.smolder/smolder.conf

Then you can use your browser to access it.

The password for the "admin" user is "qa_rocks".

Smolder by Michael Peters.

smolder_smoke_signal --server --username myself --password s3cr3t --file tap.tar.gz --project MyProject