Testing Dancer

use strict;
use warnings;

use t::lib::Test qw(start);

my $run = start($password);

eval "use Test::More";
eval "use Test::Deep";
require Test::WWW::Mechanize;
plan( skip_all => 'Unsupported OS' ) if not $run;

my $url = "http://localhost:$ENV{APP_PORT}";

plan( tests => 2 );

my $w = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new;
$w->content_like( qr{Welcome to your application}, 'content ok' );

package t::lib::Test;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'Exporter';

our @EXPORT = qw(start stop);

use File::Basename qw(basename);
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);

my $process;

sub start {
    my ($password) = @_;
    #return if $^O !~ /win32/i;    # this test is for windows only now

    my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );

    # print STDERR "# $dir\n";
    my ($cnt) = split /_/, basename $0;

    $ENV{APP_PORT} = 3000+$cnt;

    my $root = File::Spec->catdir( $dir, 'application' );
        "$^X -Ilib script/setup.pl --root $root" and die $!;

    if ( $^O =~ /win32/i ) {
        require Win32::Process;

        #import Win32::Process;

        Win32::Process::Create( $process, $^X,
            "perl -Ilib -It\\lib $root\\bin\\app.pl",
            0, Win32::Process::NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS(), "." )
            || die ErrorReport();
    } else {
        $process = fork();

        die "Could not fork() while running on $^O" if not defined $process;

        if ($process) { # parent
            sleep 1;
            return $process;

        my $cmd = "$^X -Ilib -It/lib $root/bin/app.pl";
        exec $cmd;

    return 1;

sub stop {
    return if not $process;
    if ( $^O =~ /win32/i ) {
    } else {
        kill 9, $process;

