Docker Compose for Perl DBD::Pg (PostgreSQL)
These files were used to set up a local development environment for the Perl module DBD::Pg
git clone cd dbdpg
Put the two files in that folder:
FROM perl:5.36 RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y libaspell-dev RUN cpanm --notest DBI Perl::Critic Text::SpellChecker Devel::Cover # docker build -t dbdpg . # docker run -it --workdir /opt -v$(pwd):/opt --name dbdpg dbdpg bash # docker container start -i dbdpg
version: '3.8' services: client: build: . volumes: - .:/opt links: - mypostgres command: tail -f /dev/null working_dir: /opt environment: AUTHOR_TESTING: 1 RELEASE_TESTING: 1 DBI_DSN: "dbi:Pg:dbname=test_db;host=mypostgres" DBI_PASS: secret DBI_USER: test_user mypostgres: image: postgres:15.2 environment: POSTGRES_USER: test_user POSTGRES_PASSWORD: secret POSTGRES_DB: test_db volumes: - database-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/ volumes: database-data:
In one terminal start Docker compose:
docker-compose up
In another terminal connect to the client container
docker exec -it dbdpg_client_1 bash
Now you can run the tests:
perl Makefile.PL make AUTHOR_TESTING=1 RELEASE_TESTING=1 make test
And you can also generate test coverage report:
cover -test