Other Kubernetes
kubectl get po -A kubectl cluster-info
List deployments
kubectl get deployments.apps kubectl get deployment NAME -o yaml
- A "pod" is an abstraction of K8s of a Docker container.
- A "deployment" is a blueprint for a "pod" and we can tell k8s how many of the same pod we would like to have.
- "Service" public port mapped to a pod, communication between pods, load balancer for pod replications
- Database cannot be replicated by a "Service" because they have state.
- "StatefulSet"
- "Ingress" to handle the requests from the external world
- "ConfigMap"
- "Volumes" - to store persistent data
On each node there are 3 processes:
- container runtime (Docker)
- Kubelet (interacts with both the container runtime and the machine itself)
- KubeProxy forwards the requests
On the Master process has 4 processes:
- API Server (cluster gateway) act as a gatekeeper for authentication
- Scheduler - decide where to run the next pod based on the available resources (then tells the Kublet on the node to run the pod)
- Controller Manager
- etcd - a key-value store, the brain of the cluster
A Kubernetes cluster can have several master nodes.