my simple site github.szabgab.com - source using only Markdown files and the default Jekyll processor on GitHub pages.
Kantoniko - source - using Python combining data from many repositories. A dictionary and content in Ladino. Written in Python collecting data from multiple repositories.
my personal site szabgab.com - source - using Perl.
Perl Weekly - source - Perl, generate the site locally and push the HTML files as well.
The students of WIS Python course started in 2024-04
The students of WIS Python course started in 2024-11
Planet Perl - source using Perl.
Rust Maven - source - Rust Maven SSG written in Rust.
Rust news written in Rust, collecting RSS/Atom feeds and generating the web site.
Code Maven sites
Perl Maven sites
rust.org.il - source written in Rust.
python.org.il - source is written in Python but it is hosted on GitLab pages.