GitHub Pages

Why use version control?

  • Everyone uses some version control. (e.g. by copying the document with a date suffix).

  • There are many version control systems (VCSs).

  • git is the de-facto standard these days. It is open source and free. It is integrated in many tools.

  • GitHub is the most popular cloud-based hosting service for git repositories with many extra features.

  • In this session we will use git only via the web-site of GitHub.

GitHub Account

  • If you don't have an account yet on GitHub then create one now.

  • It should be personal. It will remain with you for your life. (or the life of GitHub)

  • It should not be related to your current educational institute or workplace or this presentation or course.

  • My account is szabgab on GitHub. It is my nickname almost everywhere on the Internet. It is even the address of my web site.


  • On GitHub you can store as many git repositories as you like. They can be either private or public.

  • The names of the repositories are arbitrary.



  • Some repository names have special meanings.



For me they are

GitHub Avatar

  • Update your profile, add information about yourself.

  • Add a picture or an avatar of you to make your account more recognizable.

  • Your profile / Edit profile / ...

  • The big text comes from the file of the szabgab/szabgab repository.

Setting up GitHub page

  • Create a GitHub repository called (using your own USERNAME).

  • For user szabgab it is

  • Make the new repository public so everyone will be able to see the source.

  • Check the "Add a README file" checkbox.

  • Check the Actions tab to see the process generating the web site.

  • Visit (it may take a few minutes to update)

  • For user szabgab it is

  • For GitHub Organizations it is exactly the same process.

HTML - view source

  • Web sites are built using HTML.
  • Look at the source of the page. That's HTML. We don't want to write that.
  • So we'll use Markdown and an some tool that will convert Markdown to HTML.

GitHub page with Jekyll

Markdown Links


  • Titles: One or more # followed by the the title

  • Bold ** on both sides

  • Italic _ on both sides

  • Horizontal separator ---.

  • Link to some other site. e.g. to the slides.

  • Unordered list. *

  • Ordered list (both with ordered numbers and with 1.-s)

  • Add image from other site ![](

  • Upload an image and show it.

  • Use the img HTML element to set the size of the image.

![my ant](little-black-ants.jpg)
  • Table

  • Verbatim with back-ticks.

  • Inline with one-tick.

  • Multi-line with 3-ticks. Add also programming language for highlighting.

  • Indenting 4 spaces also works.

Add page

  • Create a file called
  • Visit
  • Show how to link to it from the main page.
# Hello Markdown World ## Subtitle * bullet * points * and [home](/) 1. Numbered 1. List 1. Autoincrement

Customized 404 Page not found

  • Visit a page that does not exist.
  • Create the file to provide custom error message.

Jekyll themes

  • themes
  • Create _config.yml with
theme: jekyll-theme-cayman

Themes - layout

Site-wise configuration

  • In _config.yml

In the _config file we can add a field called description:. It will provide the content for the subtitle of the header.

description: Some text
theme: jekyll-theme-cayman title: "GitHub Page of Gábor Szabó" show_downloads: false

Page-specific configuration - frontmatter

--- title: About the szabgab page ---

JavaScript code

<div id="text"></div> <script> document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = "Text added by JavaScript code"; </script>
  • One can include plain HTML in the md file. So include script tags.
  • The code should come at the end to have the DOM available already.

Load jQuery and add jQuery code

<script src=""></script> <script src="/demo.js"></script> <div id="text"></div>
$().ready(function() { $("#text").html("Text added by jQuery code."); });

When you change the JavaScript file, make sure it is reloaded! Browser cashing can cause you a bad day.

Add a JSON file, load it with jQuery and display the content

<script src=""></script> <script src="/json.js"></script> <div id="text"></div>
$().ready(function(){ $.getJSON( "/data.json", function( data ) { console.log(data); $("#text").html(data["text"]); }); });
{ "text" : "Text supplied in the JSON file" }

HTML pages

  • Create a file called about.html.
<h1>Hello HTML World</h1> Some sample text.
  • Note: the .html files take precedence over the .md files!


Rename repository

  • Rename repository so I'll be able to demo this later as well.
  • Show how to access the web site now.

Open Issue

  • Show how to open an issue on the repository with a link to your site and repository.
  • Show with my own site.

Add table of people

  • Take the data from the issue and add it to the table listing the web sites.