NodeJS basic

  1. What is NodeJS ?
  2. NodeJS Installation
  3. NodeJS Installation Linux
  4. NodeJS version
  5. Hello World
  7. Exercise: Hello World
  8. Hello World with sh
  9. Literal Values and types
  10. Declare variables with let
  11. Hello World in function
  12. Parameter passing to function
  13. for loop
  14. Array
  15. Command line arguments (argv)
  16. Command line arguments - forEach (argv)
  17. Define function with arrow notation
  18. setTimeout - delayed execution
  19. setInterval - scheduled execution
  20. clearInterval
  21. clearTimeout
  22. Template literals (template strings) - variable interpolation
  23. Scope of variables and constants
  24. constant (const)
  25. var
  26. let
  27. var let
  28. let var
  29. Create library
  30. Function as a Library
  31. Loading a library twice
  32. What is in a module?
  33. OS module
  34. The path related tools
  35. Path to the current file
  36. Relative path inside a project
  37. Exception
  38. REPL
  39. Debugging
  40. Callback
  41. Closure