Data Science tools in Python
- SciPy ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
- BioPython tools for biological computation.
- NumPy to handle N-dimensional arrays.
- Pandas Python Data Analysis Library. (Data Frames)
- Matplotlib a 2D plotting library.
- Seaborn data visualization library based on matplotlib.
- Bokeh interactive visualization library.
- SciKit-Learn Machine Learning in Python. (name from: SciPy Toolkit)
- TensorFlow Machine learning framework. (primarily for deep-learning) (developed by Google engineer)
- Keras Machine learning framework (primarily for deep-learning, neural-network). (On top of Tensorflow and now part of it.)
- PyTorch Machine learnng framework. (primarily for deep-learning) (from Facebook)
- Orange Machine learning and data visualization tool. Written partially in Python.
- Airflow Workflow management platform (from AirBnB)
- Luigi Data pipelines (from Spotify)
- Octave (Open Source Matlab replacement - not related to Python)
- There are a lot more libraries for each one of these tasks. Shop around!