- FileNotFoundError
Handle files - exception
We can add multiple "except" statement at the end of the "try" block and handle several exceptions. Each one in a different way.
import sys import module files = sys.argv[1:] for filename in files: try: module.read_and_divide(filename) except ZeroDivisionError: print(f"Cannot divide by 0 in file '{filename}'", file=sys.stderr) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Cannot open file '{filename}'", file=sys.stderr) print('') # before one.txt # 100.0 # after one.txt # before zero.txt # Cannot divide by 0 in file 'zero.txt' # before two.txt # Cannot open file 'two.txt' # before three.txt # 33.333333333333336 # after three.txt
python handle_both_exceptions.py one.txt zero.txt two.txt three.txt