Other slides
- Other slides
- Atom for Python
- IDLE - Integrated DeveLopment Environment
- sh-bang - executable on Linux/Apple
- Strings as Comments
- pydoc
- Spyder Intro
- Interactive Debugging
- Parameter passing
- Command line arguments and main
- Infinite loop
- break
- continue
- While with many conditions
- while loop with many conditions
- Format with conversion (stringifiation with str or repr)
- Name of the current function in Python
- Name of the caller function in Python
- Stack trace in Python using inspect
- Module Fibonacci
- PyTest - assertion
- PyTest - failure
- PyTest - list
- SAX with coroutine
- Getting the class name of an object
- Inheritance - super
- Inheritance - super - other class
- iterator - pairwise
- iterator - grouped
- itertools - groupby
- Circular references
- Context managers: with (file) experiments
- itertools - izip
- mixing iterators
- mixing iterators
- itertools - pairwise
- itertools - grouped
- range vs xrange in Python
- profile (with hotshot) slow code
- Abstract Base Class without abc
- Abstract Base Class with abc Python 2 ?
- Abstract Base Class with metaclass
- Create class with metaclass
- Python Descriptors
- alter iterator
- Create a counter queue
- A Queue of tasks
- Filtered Fibonacci with ifilter
- Python from .NET
- assert to verify values
- mycalc as a self testing module
- doctest
- Export import
- Export import with __all__
- import module
- deep copy list
- deep copy dictionary
- Pandas Stocks
- Pandas Stocks
- Merge Dataframes
- Analyze Alerts
- Analyze IFMetrics
- Calculate Genome metrics - add columns
- Calculate Genome metrics - vectorized
- Calculate Genome metrics - vectorized numpy
- Pandas more
- Pandas Series
- Pandas Series with names
- Matplotlib subplot
- Jupyter StackOverflow - historgram
- Jupyter StackOverflow - OpenSourcer
- Jupyter StackOverflow - cross tabulation
- Jupyter StackOverflow - salaries
- Jupyter StackOverflow - replace values
- ord in a file
- NameError
- UnboundLocalError
- Insert element in sorted list using bisect
- Insert element in sorted list using insort
- Pytest: monkeypatching time
- PyTest: no random order
- Classes
- Create a class inherit from object
- Abstract Base Class without ABC
- Gravatar in Python
- Debug with ptpython
- REPL - Interactive debugging with ptpython
- Print in color on the CLI
- Easy Install
- sorting with sorted using a key
- get and set locale
- Modify time anomality
- Some strange code
- is vs ==