Abstract Base Class without abc
Only works in Python 2?
import inspect class Base(): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.__class__.__name__ == 'Base': raise Exception('You are required to subclass the {} class' .format('Base')) methods = set([ x[0] for x in inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, predicate=inspect.ismethod)]) required = set(['foo', 'bar']) if not required.issubset( methods ): missing = required - methods raise Exception("Requried method '{}' is not implemented in '{}'" .format(', '.join(missing), self.__class__.__name__)) class Real(Base): def foo(self): print('foo in Real') def bar(self): print('bar in Real') def other(self): pass class Fake(Base): # user can hide the __init__ method of the parent class: # def __init__(self): # pass def foo(self): print('foo in Fake') r = Real() #b = Base() # You are required to subclass the Base class #f = Fake() # Requried method 'bar' is not implemented in class 'Fake'