- rot13
- codecs
- encoding
Solution: ROT13
import sys if len(sys.argv) != 2: exit(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} TEXT") original = sys.argv[1] encoded = '' for char in original: code = ord(char) if 97 <= code and code <= 122: new_char = chr((code-97 + 13 ) % 26 + 97) elif 65 <= code and code <= 90: new_char = chr((code-65 + 13 ) % 26 + 65) else: new_char = char encoded += new_char print(encoded)
Of course instead of implementing all the calculations by yourself you can also rely on a module that comes with Python:
import sys import codecs if len(sys.argv) != 2: exit(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} TEXT") original = sys.argv[1] encoded = codecs.encode(original, encoding='rot_13') print(encoded)