Sort dictionary by value

scores = {
   'Foo' : 10,
   'Bar' : 34,
   'Miu' : 88,
   'Abc' : 34,

def by_value(x):
    return scores[x]

sorted_names = sorted(scores.keys(), key=by_value)
print(sorted_names) # ["Foo", "Bar", "Abc", "Miu"]

# sort using a lambda expression
sorted_names = sorted(scores.keys(), key=lambda x: scores[x])

print(sorted_names) # ["Foo", "Bar", "Abc", "Miu"]

for k in sorted_names:
    print("{} : {}".format(k, scores[k]))

# Foo : 10
# Bar : 34
# Abc : 34
# Miu : 88

scores = {
   'Foo' : 10,
   'Bar' : 34,
   'Miu' : 88,
   'Abc' : 34,

# sort the keys according to the values:
sorted_names = sorted(scores, key=scores.__getitem__)

print(sorted_names) # ["Foo", "Bar", "Miu", "Abc"]

for k in sorted_names:
    print("{} : {}".format(k, scores[k]))

# Foo : 10
# Bar : 34
# Abc : 34
# Miu : 88