Sample Tk Demo app
This application shows a number of widgets available in Python Tk.
The primary goal is to show a few features that we'll learn about on the following pages.
- On recent versions of Ubuntu you might need to install python3-tk in addition to python3 using
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk, messagebox, filedialog import os def scary_action(): messagebox.showerror(title="Scary", message="Deleting hard disk. Please wait...") def run_code(): text = "" text += "Name: {}\n".format(name.get()) text += "Password: {}\n".format(password.get()) text += "Animal: {}\n".format(animal.get()) text += "Country: {}\n".format(country.get()) text += "Colors: " for ix in range(len(colors)): if colors[ix].get(): text += color_names[ix] + " " text += "\n" selected = list_box.curselection() # returns a tuple text += "Animals: " text += ', '.join([list_box.get(idx) for idx in selected]) text += "\n" text += "Filename: {}\n".format(os.path.basename(filename_entry.get())) resp = messagebox.askquestion(title="Running with", message=f"Shall I start running with the following values?\n\n{text}") if resp == 'yes': output_window['state'] = 'normal' # allow editing of the Text widget output_window.insert('end', f"{text}\n--------\n") output_window['state'] = 'disabled' # disable editing output_window.see('end') # scroll to the end as we make progress app.update() def close_app(): app.destroy() app = tk.Tk() app.title('Simple App') menubar = tk.Menu(app) app.config(menu=menubar) menu1 = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) menubar.add_cascade(label="File", underline=0, menu=menu1) menu1.add_separator() menu1.add_command(label="Exit", underline=1, command=close_app) top_frame = tk.Frame(app) top_frame.pack(side="top") pw_frame = tk.Frame(app) pw_frame.pack(side="top") # Simple Label widget: name_title = tk.Label(top_frame, text=" Name:", width=10, anchor="w") name_title.pack({"side": "left"}) # Simple Entry widget: name = tk.Entry(top_frame) name.pack({"side": "left"}) # name.insert(0, "Your name") # Simple Label widget: password_title = tk.Label(pw_frame, text=" Password:", width=10, anchor="w") password_title.pack({"side": "left"}) # In order to hide the text as it is typed (e.g. for Passwords) # set the "show" parameter: password = tk.Entry(pw_frame) password["show"] = "*" password.pack({"side": "left"}) radios = tk.Frame(app) radios.pack() animal = tk.StringVar() animal.set("Red") my_radio = [] animals = ["Cow", "Mouse", "Dog", "Car", "Snake"] for animal_name in animals: radio = tk.Radiobutton(radios, text=animal_name, variable=animal, value=animal_name) radio.pack({"side": "left"}) my_radio.append(radio) checkboxes = tk.Frame(app) checkboxes.pack() colors = [] my_checkbox = [] color_names = ["Red", "Blue", "Green"] for color_name in color_names: color_var = tk.BooleanVar() colors.append(color_var) checkbox = tk.Checkbutton(checkboxes, text=color_name, variable=color_var) checkbox.pack({"side": "left"}) my_checkbox.append(checkbox) countries = ["Japan", "Korea", "Vietnam", "China"] def country_change(event): pass #selection = country.current() #print(selection) #print(countries[selection]) def country_clicked(): pass #print(country.get()) country = ttk.Combobox(app, values=countries) country.pack() country.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", country_change) list_box = tk.Listbox(app, selectmode=tk.MULTIPLE, height=4) animal_names = ['Snake', 'Mouse', 'Elephant', 'Dog', 'Cat', 'Zebra', 'Camel', 'Spider'] for val in animal_names: list_box.insert(tk.END, val) list_box.pack() def open_filename_selector(): file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Any file", "*"),)) filename_entry.delete(0, tk.END) filename_entry.insert(0, file_path) filename_frame = tk.Frame(app) filename_frame.pack() filename_label = tk.Label(filename_frame, text="Filename:", width=10) filename_label.pack({"side": "left"}) filename_entry = tk.Entry(filename_frame, width=60) filename_entry.pack({"side": "left"}) filename_button = tk.Button(filename_frame, text="Select file", command=open_filename_selector) filename_button.pack({"side": "left"}) output_frame = tk.Frame(app) output_frame.pack() output_window = tk.Text(output_frame, state='disabled') output_window.pack() buttons = tk.Frame(app) buttons.pack() scary_button = tk.Button(buttons, text="Don't click here!", fg="red", command=scary_action) scary_button.pack({"side": "left"}) action_button = tk.Button(buttons, text="Run", command=run_code) action_button.pack() app.mainloop() # TODO: key binding? # TODO: Option Menu # TODO: Scale # TODO: Progressbar (after the deleting hard disk pop-up) # TODO: Frame (with border?)