What are iterators and iterables?
- All of them are iterables
- A filehandle and the map object are also iterators. (Side note: You should always open files using the with statement and not like this.)
- iter() would return the iterator from an iterable. We don't need this.
from collections.abc import Iterator, Iterable a_string = "Hello World" a_list = ["Tiger", "Mouse"] a_tuple = ("Blue", "Red") a_range = range(10) a_fh = open(__file__) a_map = map(lambda x: x*2, a_list) for thing in [a_string, a_list, a_tuple, a_range, a_map, a_fh]: print(thing.__class__.__name__) print(issubclass(thing.__class__, Iterator)) print(issubclass(thing.__class__, Iterable)) zorg = iter(thing) print(zorg.__class__.__name__) print(issubclass(zorg.__class__, Iterator)) print() a_fh.close()
str False True str_iterator True list False True list_iterator True tuple False True tuple_iterator True range False True range_iterator True TextIOWrapper True True TextIOWrapper True