How to develop software faster and have more stable releases?
- Self introduction
- Goal of the company / organization
- Goal of the company / organization
- Goals of employees
- Goals of employees
- Goals - Contradiction?
- Business needs for change
- Value creation - Time is Money
- How to Faster, Cheaper, Better?
- Value creation
- Product types
- Fast or stable?
- Release frequency
- Deploy per day VS value (Value creation)
- MTTR - Mean time to repair
- Old model
- Wall of Confusion
- The business cost
- The human cost
- High Performing organizations
- High Performing organizations
- Getting faster
- Priorities
- Small Batch size
- Reduce Multitasking
- Multitasking Exercise
- Build only what you need
- Create fast feedback loops
- Feedback Techniques
- Learn from the mistakes
- Retrospectives
- Daily feedback meetings
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Toyota Andon cord
- Andon cord
- Test-Driven Development
- Optimizing Developer Effort
- Pair Programming
- Refactoring
- Architecture
- Conway's Law
- Small Teams
- End-to-end Ownership
- Project boundaries
- Design
- Features
- Continuous Deployment (CD)
- Decouple deployment
- Blue-green deployment
- Canary release
- Infrastructure as code
- DevOps loop
- Continuous Improvement
- Hierarchy of abstractions
- Resilience testing
- What is in there for me, the developer?
- The transformation process
- Theory X and Theory Y
- Time boxing experiment
- Greenfield projects VS brownfield projects
- Getting Started
- Top down approach
- Team level approach
- Resources
- Contact me
- Sources